For a debut single, this offering from Rozet is incredibly impressive. The dreamy track was written and produced by Rozet herself, providing her own incredibly, souring and soulful voice with about as intricate and complimentary an accompaniment as one can imagine. She explains that “A ‘Phantom City’ is an imaginary place that holds a treasure you think you need. You journey through the city in search of this treasure, experiencing nothing but tricks, traps, and tribulations along the way, only to find that there is no treasure. The treasure is inside you”. Her own interpretation of the track is represented in the serene music video that has dropped alongside the tune. It places the singer (and various others) on a beach full of bizarre costumes and a whole host of keytars. If this tune did anything, it was prove why you should keep an eye out on Rozet’s future output. - Dan Peeke
